Collection by North Gibson

Fashion Mate

21 Ideas | Updated 2 years ago

Fashion Mate is a new fabric that helps you get fashionable and comfortable at the same time. The fabric is made with heat-resistant spandex fibers that help keep you cool in hot weather, and the fabric stretches to fit your curves. You can wear it as a dress, shirt, skirt, or shorts. The best way to wear Fashion Mate is to cut it out of an old piece of clothing and sew it together. You can also buy premade pieces from online stores or tailor services. Here are some tips for wearing Fashion Mate: -Wear it as a dress over a tank top or sports bra for summer days. -Cut out a blouse or shirt from an old piece of clothing and sew it together using Fashion Mate. This will create a stylish dress that you can wear to work or any other occasion. -Wear Fashion Mate as a skirt over leggings or skinny jeans for fall and winter days. -For warmer weather, mix and match different colors of Fashion Mate to create your own style. -Be creative and experiment with different ways to wear Fashion Mate – there are endless possibilities!


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