Stories Tips & Tricks Neglecting To Respond Can Be A Costly Mistake: The Negative Effects Of Neglected Reviews

Online reviews are common nowadays and have become especially useful in the world of e-commerce. So, neglecting a negative review soon can be a mistake.

Negative Reviews: Why Neglecting To Respond Can Be A Costly Mistake?

Three reasons why neglecting a negative reviews can be mistake:

1. Negative Reviews Can Cause To Your Reputation

Customers will assume that your business is poorly managed and isn't trustworthy. This could lead them to shop elsewhere or less frequently recommend your business to others.

2. Neglected Reviews Can Cause A Loss In Sales

When people read bad reviews about your business, they may decide not to buy from you because they don't trust your product or service. They may also choose another vendor who has better ratings.

Not responding to negative reviews can make it difficult for you to recover from this loss in sales.

3. Neglected Reviews Can Decrease Customer Loyalty And Repeat Business

Not responding to negative reviews can also your cause reputation as a credible business entity.

A study by ReviewTrackers found that businesses that didn’t reply to at least 50 percent of the reviews received an average 1.5 stars higher than those that did reply. This led the study authors to conclude that “responding promptly and engaging with all reviewers is key for maintaining good ratings and avoiding potential backlash from unhappy customers.”

Here are four ways you can maximize the impact of your positive reviews:

1) Respond quickly – The average review response time was just over two hours, so don’t wait too long to get back to your reviewers.

2) Reply personally – Don’t simply say thanks or apologize for the delay in getting back to them; explain what you’ve done and what you plan on doing next.

3) Thank them for their input – A simple “thank you” goes a long way, and it will show that you appreciate their feedback.

4) Follow up later – If there was something specific about their review that stuck out to you, make sure to follow up after your initial response has been sent out. This will show them that you value

What to do, when they give a negative review?

In every industry, there will inevitably be individuals who hold unfavorable opinions about your work. This holds true across various fields, including restaurants and healthcare providers. Managing negative reviews can pose challenges, but it is crucial to address them proactively in order to maintain the health and success of your business.

Here are a few key considerations for businesses when facing negative reviews:

Respond promptly to negative reviews. Delayed responses can exacerbate the situation, potentially leading reviewers to retaliate by posting fake reviews or spreading negative word-of-mouth about your business online.

Take the time to comprehend the underlying issues raised in the review. By understanding the nature of the criticism, you can effectively address the claims and enhance your overall customer service reputation.

Avoid becoming defensive. Demonstrating accountability will demonstrate to customers that you genuinely value their feedback and are dedicated to implementing necessary improvements.

How to Respond Properly to a Negative Review

As a business owner, it is vital to respond appropriately to any negative reviews posted online.

When crafting a response to a negative review, always prioritize being respectful and understanding. Address the reviewer's concerns directly. For instance, if a customer expresses dissatisfaction with the quality of their meal, directly acknowledge the issue regarding food quality. If the reviewer expresses discontent with your company's service or policies, provide an explanation for the reasons behind those decisions. 

Direct and Indirect Responses to Negative Reviews

Failing to respond to negative reviews can have significant repercussions for businesses. For instance, neglecting a review with an average rating of two out of five stars may result in a potential sales decline of up to 20%. Furthermore, disregarding unfavorable reviews can create the perception that your company lacks professionalism and reliability, leading customers to choose alternative businesses.

There are different strategies businesses can employ to counteract the impact of negative reviews. Primarily, companies should ensure their customer service policies are robust and comprehensive. By providing clear instructions on how customers can seek assistance or raise concerns, businesses can offer dissatisfied customers a straightforward avenue for support. Additionally, it is crucial for companies to promptly address and respond to any online complaints. This proactive approach enables businesses to swiftly address and dispel any rumors or speculations about their products or services before they gain traction.

Who should respond to reviews on behalf of the Company?

As the owner or manager of a business, it is crucial to actively respond to reviews left on your products or services. However, neglecting to address reviews can have detrimental effects on your business. Here are some negative consequences of disregarding reviews:

Negative public perception: When customers realize that your company does not respond to reviews, their perception of your business may decline. This can lead to lost sales and decreased customer loyalty.

Increased customer service costs: Effectively addressing customer complaints and feedback often requires additional resources, such as staff time and financial investment. Neglecting negative reviews can result in higher customer service costs.

Diminished brand recognition: Neglecting customer feedback can erode faith in your brand, potentially damaging your reputation and making it harder to attract new customers in the future. This approach ensures a positive public image and allows for quick and efficient resolution of any issues.

There are several platforms available for users to submit reviews, such as and These platforms offer various features, including profile creation, review submission, and comment tracking. They also provide search capabilities to easily find reviews that align with specific needs.

While both platforms offer free accounts, they also provide paid plans with additional features. For instance, Clutch offers paid plans allowing users to add more reviews and closely monitor comment activity. Firmsuggest offers paid plans that enable direct contact with reviewers and enhanced account management. Overall, both platforms are user-friendly and offer valuable features for businesses seeking customer reviews.